Symptoms of High Cortisol & Natural Ways to Lower Cortisol Levels
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People often come to metabolic specialists like us either when referred by a GP or on their own, already aware that they’re experiencing metabolic health-related issues.
If you fall into the latter group, you likely already know about metabolic health and maybe even have a diagnosis you want to treat. But if you fall into the former group, you may be overwhelmed or confused.
Healthline defines Metabolic Health as “having ideal blood sugar, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference without medications.”
As its name suggests, metabolic health concerns one’s metabolism, defined as ” the set of cellular mechanisms that generate energy from our food and environment to power every cell in the body. We have optimal metabolic health when these energy-producing pathways run smoothly, ” according to Levels Health.
Knowing about metabolic health isn’t enough. You may not be as metabolically healthy as you think. A recent study conducted by experts at UNC-Chapel Hill and published in the Journal of Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders found that only 12.2% of Americans have optimal metabolic health.
Why is this important? Many issues we encounter daily arise from suboptimal metabolic health, including Metabolic Syndrome. Thus, improving metabolic health can profoundly affect overall quality of life and potentially increase lifespan.
Metabolic syndrome, also called insulin resistance syndrome, dysmetabolic syndrome, or Syndrome X, is a group of factors that increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
The body uses insulin to transport glucose into cells for energy. Insulin resistance prevents the body from properly using insulin. Instead of allowing glucose to remain in the bloodstream, the body should transport it to the cells that can use it as energy. As a result, the amount of glucose your cells need decreases, causing your body to go into survival mode. This mode causes the body to store extra fat for energy. Additionally, your metabolism declines, and you experience low energy levels.
According to guidelines, if you have three or more of the below traits (including those you are using medication to control), then you may have metabolic syndrome-, which presents with some of these symptoms:
Low HDL (“Good” Cholesterol) Levels – In women, HDL levels should be greater than 50 milligrams per deciliter, while in men, it should be greater than 40 milligrams per deciliter
Approximately 35 percent of Americans have some or all of the above levels for metabolic health, meaning they suffer from metabolic syndrome, with the numbers increasing with age. In fact, by the time a person reaches 60 years old or older, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome increases to 50 percent.
The metabolic syndrome symptoms listed above are associated with diet, lifestyle, inflammation, and environmental toxins. Luckily, that means there are easy metabolic health solutions you can use to reverse them in most cases. And our metabolic health specialists can help!
Metabolic syndrome can lead to several health issues, including:
However, insulin resistance (high blood sugar) is one of the key underlying drivers of metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance can cause weight gain, sugar cravings, and low energy as common symptoms and increases the risk for type 2 diabetes and a host of other serious health problems, including heart attacks, strokes, memory decline, and cancer.
Insulin is a hormone released by our pancreas in response to a high sugar or carbohydrate load. It comes mainly from our diet but can also be produced by our body in response to stress and inflammation.
Insulin’s job is to take the sugar or glucose from our digested meal and transfer it into our cells, where it can be burned for necessary fuel and energy utilization by our body. However, insulin cannot do its job effectively if you have insulin resistance. This results in the sugar or glucose remaining in the bloodstream and not getting inside the cells adequately, causing high BLOOD sugar and low CELLULAR sugar. Low cellular glucose results in low metabolism and low energy due to lack of cellular fuel.
Several things can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance including-
Looking for concrete steps you can take for how to reverse metabolic syndrome? Lifestyle changes such as those listed below can make a significant difference with reversal of this condition.
You now know how to heal metabolic syndrome in many instances according to the steps in the preceding section. But following such steps is only part of the road to recovery and reversal of metabolic systems. Our clinicians follow a structured process for investigating, diagnosing, and treating your issues, which includes phases such as those listed below.
Discovery – During your initial consultation, our clinician will perform a comprehensive medical exam understanding your past and present medical conditions. Your family history along with lifestyle choices and diet will be evaluated.
Analysis – Finding the root cause of your metabolic syndrome is the first step towards optimal metabolic health. This could be caused by environmental toxins, hormone imbalances, gut dysbiosis, systemic inflammation, a poor diet, or unhealthy lifestyle choices. We may recommend diagnostic tests and labs to help determine the cause of insulin resistance.
Personalized Treatment Plan – Once we have gotten a well-rounded picture of your metabolic health, we will develop a personalized treatment plan to optimize your health. Recommendations may include dietary changes, nutritional supplements, stress relief techniques, exercise, and bioidentical hormone therapy.
Now that you know what metabolic health is, why it’s important in relation to preventing metabolic syndrome, and how to reverse insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, are you ready to begin your journey toward optimal metabolic health and reduce risk of heart disease and stroke?
Our integrative clinicians specialize in holistic treatment of cardiometabolic and heart health issues.
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