Inexplicable fatigue is one of the key symptoms associated with hypothyroidism or other thyroid disorders. Those with low thyroid levels often wake up tired, even after a night’s sleep. Fatigue is the body’s way of telling you that something is going on within the body.
During sleep, your body recovers from the stresses and demands you place on it during the day. When hormone levels are low, the body uses this time to produce more hormones, resulting in fatigue. Learning how to increase thyroid levels naturally can help reduce fatigue.
Ways to Manage Thyroid Function
The body must have the nutrients it needs to function correctly and make the correct amounts of hormones. A multivitamin can help ensure you are receiving ample nutrients. Additionally, an omega-3 fatty acid supplement can help protect against fatigue. Vitamin B12 is another vitamin that combats fatigue. Many diseases affecting the thyroid have been associated with vitamin B12 deficiencies.
Banish stress! If you suffer from chronic stress, you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue and
hypothyroidism. Learn coping mechanisms to help lower stress levels, say no to protect against stress, and include adaptogenic herbs to help support the adrenal system.
Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Develop a sleep schedule and stick to it, even on the weekends. To improve your sleep, turn off all electronics one hour before bedtime. Use this time to prepare for bed by sipping herbal tea, reading a book, or engaging in any quiet activity you enjoy.
Watch your blood sugar levels. Insulin surges have been reported to cause inflammation in the thyroid. Limit the amount of high-glycemic carbohydrates, such as white sugar, white flour, and sugary drinks. Instead, eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables.
Exercise wisely.When you are tired, you do not usually want to exercise; however, no exercise can exacerbate fatigue. Yoga can be an excellent exercise program to fight fatigue. It utilizes the whole body and mind, allowing you to release stress while increasing energy production.
Enjoy the sunshine! Did you know that sunlight can help boost the endocrine system? To maximize the sun’s beneficial effects, you should shed your sunglasses. Allowing sunlight to filter through your eyes is one of the best ways to improve fatigue.
Detox to improve thyroid functions. Toxic substances are everywhere. They are found in the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the places you work. These substances can wreak havoc on the endocrine system. Detoxification helps rid the body of toxic substances. After detoxification, you will have increased energy, and your bodily functions will improve.
Hypothyroidism comes with a host of issues, including weight gain, reproductive problems, and fatigue. You can improve hypothyroidism-based fatigue by learning to use natural methods, such as simple exercises, detoxification, and getting out in the sun.
Ready to Get Help for Hypothyroidism
If you are suffering from symptoms of Hypothyroidism or thyroid disorders, help is around the corner. Our thyroid specialists have helped hundreds of patients find relief from these conditions. Our compassionate and caring staff is ready to help you regain your vitality and zest for life.
Rose Wellness offers Holistic, Integrative and Functional Medicine services for treating chronic issues as well as for preventive care. Join us and take control of your health, your most important asset.
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