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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Balance Your Hormones. Regain Your Vitality.

Suffering from Andropause, Male Menopause?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is becoming a more widely used treatment for men. It is common for men to experience a decrease in hormones between 40 and 55 years of age. This is often referred to as male menopause. When a man’s hormone levels begin to decline, he may experience mental and physical changes. Men’s hormone levels can fluctuate throughout the day, affecting their mood, sexuality and more.

Men health

Did You Know?

Andropause, or low testosterone levels, affect more than 25 million Americans and more than 408 million men around the world. By the year 2020, this number is projected to increase to 57 million Americans and 690 million men  worldwide.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Symptoms of Andropause?

As hormones decline, men may begin to notice changes in their mood and attitude. They will re-evaluate their lives, question their values and accomplishments. This is often referred to as a mid-life crisis. During this phase, some men decide to make big changes. If you are careful, this period of your life can be a time of growth. It is important to realize that these changes are normal and you can control them. Other common symptoms include –


  • Psychological Symptoms

    Loss of confidence, Anxiety, Depression, Feelings of loneliness, Forgetfulness, Irritability, Loss of purpose, Feeling  unattractive

  • Urinary and Sexual Symptoms

    Low libido, Erectile dysfunction, Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, Ejaculatory problems, Reduced fertility, Urinary frequency, Urinary hesitancy, Weak urine stream

  • Physical Symptoms

    Lowered physical endurance, Weight gain in the midsection, Decreased eyesight, Thinning hair, Alopecia, Sleep disturbances, Longer recovery times following and injury or illness

In addition, when testosterone levels begin to decline, there may be increased risk for several health issues including –

Researchers believe that this increase in risk is caused by lower hormone levels and the stress associated with andropause.

Finally, low testosterone levels can lead to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder where breathing patterns are altered. During sleep, a man can quit breathing for several seconds or longer. This can cause low  oxygen levels, resulting in unrefreshing sleep. Additionally, sleep apnea can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (heart attack, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension and heart failure), stroke, depression, diabetes and obesity.

Hormone imbalances in Men

Hormone Imbalances in Men

When a man goes through andropause, the production of a variety of hormones can decrease, including testosterone, thyroid hormones, pregnenolone, DHEA, melatonin, dopamine and growth hormones. Researchers have  found that replacing these hormones can help improve health and vitality in men into their 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s.

Low testosterone levels are often caused by elevated estrogen levels. Estrogen is produced from testosterone that is circulating in the body using an enzyme called aromatase. As a man ages, his body may begin increasing estrogen production instead of testosterone. Estrogen can be produced by the fat cells in the body as well as by the brain, liver and muscles. This means that if a man is overweight, he is more apt to having low testosterone levels and high estrogen levels.

After the age of 40, it is recommended for men to have their hormone levels checked.

Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone Replacement Therapy For Men

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is the process of restoring the hormonal balance in men after they have  reached andropause. Hormone replacement therapy is used to help improve the symptoms of low testosterone due to pituitary gland disorders, testicle disorder and brain disorders that are causing decreased hormone levels.

TRT is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, but rather a personalized hormone balancing therapy that can restore your energy and vigor for life. Our integrative practitioners at Rose Wellness will create a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and health concerns.

Regain your energy

Ready To Get Started?

Ready to regain your energy and enjoy life once again with your family and friends?
Call today and setup a consultation with our integrative physician specializing in men’s health and Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

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Tired of Low Energy, Weight Gain, Low Libido or more?

Our integrative practitioners specialize in Andropause and Testosterone Replacement.

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