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How To Heal Your Gut

Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease & Gut Health Support

Digestive Conditions and Gastrointestinal Disorders We Treat

“All diseases begin in the gut” – Hippocrates.

The gastrointestinal system is a complex set of organs responsible for digestion, nutritional absorption and waste elimination. It includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver and large intestine.

Symptoms of digestive disorders or inflammation, whether an acute condition or chronic disease, are hard to miss. Many people suffer with chronic constipation, diarrhea and abdominal cramping, yet they are unaware of the cause for their discomfort.

There is a direct correlation between GI health and the body’s immune system. When the ‘gut’ is not well, neither is the rest of the body.

Gut health

How to Heel Your Gut: Gastrointestinal Disease Symptoms

Some common symptoms include –

  • Feeling sluggish
  • Having frequent fatigue
  • Having fewer than one bowel movement per day
  • Having irregular bowel movements
  • Experiencing discomfort or bloating after eating
  • Having been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disease
  • Experiencing heartburn or indigestion

Even if you do not have these symptoms, a GI health analysis may be right for you. Often, complications of the digestive system lead to symptoms in other areas of the body. Common issues include skin rashes and anxiety disorders.

Gastrointestinal disease treatment can help. And focusing on functional medicine and gut health can yield especially positive results.

How to Treat Gastrointestinal Disease: Our 5R Program To Restore Gut Health

Our 5R program for restoring digestive health is based on a functional medicine approach. We treat you as a whole, not a set of symptoms. We focus on how to heal your gut naturally.

We get to the bottom of your GI problems. That’s true whether the issue is toxicity, food intolerance, allergic reactions or chronic infection. By eliminating the source of the problem, we can prevent GI issues from worsening or developing into a more serious problem. That could mean avoiding a major medical condition, such as an autoimmune disease.

We help to relieve issues in the GI tract by addressing dietary and lifestyle issues. Avenues to improve holistic gut health emphasized by our doctors include:

  • Normalizing digestion
  • Balancing gut bacteria
  • Detoxifying the digestive tract
  • Promoting healing

This approach focuses on diet and lifestyle interventions to heal the GI system and improve digestive system function. The 5R Program contains five key elements: Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair and Rebalance.

Remove Process- Restore Your Gut Health


The first step in the program is removing anything that can damage the digestive tract. This can include food sensitivities, bad bacteria, and parasites.

During this stage of the process, we help you determine the things that are harming your GI tract. Some options include checking stool cultures and food sensitivity testing.

Replace Process- Restore Your Gut Health


Once you have determined which foods you have an intolerance to, we help you improve your digestion. As you age, the level of hydrochloric acid within the stomach begins to decline.

During this phase of recuperation, you need to replace the digestive secretions you are lacking. Adding digestive enzymes, bile salts and hydrochloric acid can help restore digestion.

Reinoculate Process- Restore Your Gut Health


Antibiotics, stress or a poor diet may diminish the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. This step involves replacing the beneficial bacteria to improve digestive system function. Prebiotics and  probiotics greatly help to correct gut imbalances.

Repair Process- Restore Your Gut Health


You have removed any foods that you are intolerant to, replaced your digestive secretions, and reinoculated your gut with probiotics. Now it is time to repair your gut. Digestive problems can go undiagnosed and untreated for years. That means a lot of damage can occur in the lining of your gut.

Rebalance Process- Restore Your Gut Health


The final step is rebalancing your life to keep your digestive tract healthy to prevent gastrointestinal diseases. This involves:

  • Eating a well-balanced diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Additionally, eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut
  • Getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night
  • Exercising 150 minutes each week
  • Learning stress relieving techniques to help your gut stay healthy.
Improve Your Digestive Health

Did You Know?

An estimated 1 in 5 Americans suffers from digestive disorders from an inflamed, diseased or imbalanced digestive system.

Many sufferers seek indigestion remedies through over-the-counter medications to alleviate symptoms without addressing the underlying problem. In some cases, digestive disorders become so severe, that they develop into serious diseases. Examples include inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, and acid reflux.

Gastrointestinal Disease Treatment

Holistic Treatment for Digestive Issues: Healing Your Gut

Discovery – During your visit, our clinicians will perform a complete medical exam that includes your family history, current medical conditions, lifestyle choices, and diet.

Analysis – We strive to identify the root causes of your GI issues. That’s true whether it is dietary, environmental or some other related cause. Your physician may recommend some tests to help determine the cause of your digestive disorder.

Personalized Treatment Plan – With a well-rounded picture of your digestive health, we will provide a treatment plan. This is a holistic plan to help heal your gut. This may include detoxification protocol to remove GI toxins from your diet. The detox process can also help manage food sensitivities, such as gluten or dairy intolerance.

Additionally, we incorporate natural healing techniques to help lower inflammation, boost immunity and allow the body to make a full recovery.

Ready To Improve Your GI Health

Ready To Improve Gut Health

Healing is at the heart of everything we do. We work with you to develop personalized treatment plans to address the root cause of your digestive issues. That includes IBS, IBD, or leaky gut syndrome.

Are you ready to take control of your digestive health and have a healthy gut?

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Digestive Disease Clinic

Feeling sluggish, bloated, experiencing heartburn or other digestive issues?

Our clinicians specialize in digestive disorders and restoring your gut health.

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