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Menopause Treatment & Perimenopause Treatment

Balance Your Hormones. Regain Your Vitality.

“I‘m struggling with sleep and feel tired all the time.”

‘I can’t lose weight anymore like I used to.”

“I can’t think straight and just don’t feel like myself anymore.”

Are you experiencing any of these?

Menopause Treatment

What is Menopause?

Menopause occurs when woman’s periods have stopped for one year. During this time, the ovaries stop producing the important female hormones – estrogen and progesterone resulting in biological, chemical and hormonal changes in the body. The typical age of menopause is 48 to 52 years old. Menopause is a normal, natural process that occurs in the life of every woman. However, it can be a  difficult and demanding time period for many as a plethora of uncomfortable menopause symptoms creep up creating a frustrating experience.

Symptoms of Menopause

  • Changes in Your Periods

During your transition into menopause, your periods will become irregular. They may come more or less often, may be lighter or heavier or last longer or shorter than normal. As you begin noticing irregular periods, it is recommended you talk to your physician to ensure that there are no underlying medical conditions, such as pregnancy or cancer.

  • Hot Flashes

Hot flashes occur when hormone levels rapidly decline or rapidly peak. During a hot flash, you may experience heavy sweating or become so cold you shiver. Other symptoms of hot flashes include excessive heat in your upper body along with red blotches on your face, neck and chest. To get relief from hot flashes, it is advisable to avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, stress and spicy foods.

  • Frequent Urination and Vaginal Troubles

As estrogen levels drop, your vagina may be drier making intercourse uncomfortable. Other symptoms include urinary incontinence during which you may have to go more often. You may also experience leakage when you cough, laugh or sneeze. Finally, you may get more urinary tract infections. To avoid UTI, it is recommended to drink plenty of water each day. Kegel exercises can also help build your pelvic floor muscles and prevent urinary incontinence.

  • Trouble Sleeping and Night Sweats

You may having trouble sleeping and experience night sweats. Lack of sound sleep may make you feel exhausted throughout the day. You may find yourself waking up in drenching sweat through the night. To help relieve night sweats, lower the thermostat at night, chill your pillows and wear loose clothing to bed.

  • Mood Swings

Mood swings are another common occurrence during perimenopause. This happens due to hormonal swings. There may be times when you feel like crying, times when you are hateful and even times when you feel giddy. Additionally, you may have trouble concentrating, have episodes of anxiety and fatigue. Learning self-calming practices, such as mediation, deep breathing exercises and yoga can help relieve symptoms.

The severity of menopause symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they can last or even worsen in time. In some cases, the symptoms can last for five more years after menopause sets in.

Perimenopause Symptoms

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the period of time just before menopause occurs. The perimenopausal phase can last from a few months to several years and typically starts in the mid 40’s. During this time hormone levels start fluctuating until they eventually drop to such an extent that menstruation stops completely signaling the start of menopause. These fluctuating hormones lead to irregular and atypical menstrual cycles and the start of many of the symptoms mentioned above.

Some women sail smoothly through menopause. Others may be hit with a storm of symptoms ranging from mild to severe, persistent or even worsen with time. Furthermore, menopause and the accompanying drop in hormones can increase the risk of certain conditions such as heart disease, dementia, and bone loss or osteoporosis and changes in body composition such as muscle loss and fat gain.

With most women now living more than half their lives in menopause, it is important to get the right menopause treatment to feel just as vibrant and full of energy as their pre-menopausal years.

Factors that contribute to a more “difficult” menopause

Menopause is supposed to be a natural process so why is it more troublesome for some women versus others? There can be multiple reasons for this…

  • Environmental Exposures

Plastics, pesticides, hormones in food, and other common chemicals act as “endocrine disrupters” which mimic or interfere with the body’s hormones. In response, the body may under or overproduce it’s own hormones creating health problems.

  • Diet and Nutrition

Certain foods can restore or disrupt the body’s hormones. For example, there are a various plant foods called phytoestrogens such as soy and flaxseeds which act like estrogens in the body. Eating too little or too much may affect hormone related symptoms. Additionally, nutrients such as Omega 3 fats, fiber, green tea and others can influence how the body processes hormones.

  • Gut Heath

One may wonder how our digestive health affects our hormones and sense of well being. Growing research has shown that the gut microbiome plays a central role in regulating estrogen in the body through an enzyme produced by our gut bacteria called beta-glucuronidase which converts estrogen to its active form. Therefore, imbalanced gut bacteria can affect the amount of estrogen in the body.


  • Lifestyle factors

Stress management, exercise, and sleep can also influence hormone physiology in the body in positive or negative ways.

Female Hormone Quiz

5 Minute Female Hormone Quizzes

Dealing with hot flashes, PMS, low libido, mood swings, headaches, anxiety, or unexplained weight gain?

Early Menopause Symptoms

Menopause Wellness and Perimenopause Treatment

The symptoms of menopause can be challenging to deal with; however, developing an effective action plan can help you better control your emotions, avoid hot flashes, minimize weight gain, and prevent bone loss.

Our integrative practitioners take a holistic view of your complete history and specialized functional testing to identify hormone imbalances. Our hormone optimization approach includes balancing four major hormone groups and possible liver detox support.

  • Thyroid Hormones
  • Insulin, Glucagon, and Cortisol – the blood sugar-balancing hormones
  • Adrenal “stress” hormones and neurotransmitters (Cortisol, DHEA, serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, etc.)
  • Male/Female hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone)

In addition to hormone balancing, some natural remedies can help ease your menopause symptoms. These include-

  • Eat well-balanced meals filled with fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to ensure you are getting the correct nutrients
  • Exercise regularly
  • Meditate to help you control your emotions
  • Choose herbs that are beneficial to help ease the symptoms of menopause.
What is Menopause

Hormone Balancing

Hormones are chemical messengers which deliver important biochemical messages to all our body systems. They “tell the body what to do”. If the hormones are deficient, the body does not get the proper signals or messages to perform its various tasks resulting in unpleasant and unhealthy symptoms. Our goal is to create harmony within our body by balancing the hormones in relation to one another, replacing what is deficient and reducing what is too high. This results in overall improved biochemical functioning of all our body systems, a sense of well-being, and vitality.

If your menopause symptoms are persistent or severe, you may need targeted lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Our menopause doctors have successfully helped thousands of women overcome their menopause symptoms using a holistic approach.

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Our integrative practitioners help with PMS, Menopause and Perimenopause treatment.

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