Your Height:



Your Weight:


Your BMI:
Your Height(cm):
Your Weight(kg):
Your BMI:

BMI is an abbreviation for Body Mass Index. Although BMI does not directly measure body fat, it can give a reasonably accurate body fat measurement. Your BMI score can help your healthcare provider determine if your weight is a health risk. Try our BMI calculator below.

Ideal BMI Ranges for Men and Women

BMI ranges are the same for both men and women. The BMI range does not change due to body type or age. Everyone over the age of 20 uses the same BMI range table. There are four separate weight ranges –

  • Underweight – BMI is below 18.5.
  • Healthy or normal weight – BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.
  • Overweight – BMI is between 25 and 29.9.
  • Obese – BMI is 30 or more.


Try our Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator to evaluate your weight category. BMI is correlated with various metabolic and disease outcomes, as it is a more direct measure of body fatness.


Exercise is essential for weight loss. As with any activity, you should begin slowly and work up to more challenging fitness routines. Experts typically recommend low-impact cardio exercises like walking or swimming. In addition to aerobic exercises, try incorporating strength training exercises into your workout routine.

Having an elevated BMI increases your risk of illness and disease. Reducing your weight through diet and exercise decreases your risk of disease. Reducing your overall weight also increases your energy levels. As your energy levels increase, you can perform more exercise, further improving your weight loss efforts. As you lose weight, you will feel better about yourself and improve your self-esteem.