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Detoxification Therapy

Detox Your Body. Rejuvenate Yourself.

What Are Toxins?

Our bodies are exposed to toxins daily – polluted waters, solvents in gasoline, pesticides in our food, beauty products, and cleaning supplies, pollution in the air we breathe, and much more. Humans today are exposed to more toxins than ever before. Despite the body’s best efforts to eliminate these toxins through its very efficient systems, the onslaught of exposure can cause a build-up of toxins in the body’s tissues over time. The symptoms can vary from mild symptoms (nausea and headache) to severe symptoms (coma, convulsions, or death). Researchers divide toxicity into seven categories, each with its symptoms.

  • Dermatological – Dermatological toxicity affects the eyes and skin, causing symptoms such as itching, rashes, redness, and swelling.
  • Gastrointestinal – Toxic chemicals can cause gastrointestinal issues in people. These symptoms affect the stomach and intestines and cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Hematological – Hematological symptoms affect the blood. Common symptoms of hematological toxicity include anemia, weakness, and fatigue.
  • Neurological – Neurological symptoms affect the brain and spinal cord, including behavior problems, confusion, coma, convulsions, dizziness, depression, and headaches.
  • Renal – Renal issues involve the kidneys. The common symptoms of renal toxicity include frequent urination and low back pain.
  • Reproductive – If you have toxicity in the reproductive system, your reproductive organs can be affected. Infertility can occur, and the risk of miscarriage increases exponentially.
  • RespiratoryRespiratory toxicity affects the lungs, nose, and trachea. Respiratory signs include choking, coughing, irritation, and tight chest.

Detoxification refers to removing chemicals and toxic substances from your body. Detoxification helps purge the body (the liver and the colon) of the toxins and reduces the risk of many diseases in the long run. There are several different types of detoxification, and while some of them target the entire body (such as detox diets or chelation therapy), others target specific organs or areas in particular (colon cleanse). Detoxification therapies help the body eliminate dangerous toxins before they cause significant health problems and disease.

Detoxify with citrus fruits

Did You Know...

Each organ in the body plays a specific role in maintaining your overall health. Many organs, including the liver and kidneys, filter waste from your body daily. If toxins overwhelm the body’s detoxification pathways, you may experience moodiness, fatigue, and bloat symptoms. It can even lead to ongoing health conditions, such as allergies, chronic infections, arthritis or joint pain, constipation, acne, digestive disorders, skin issues, obesity, and insomnia.

Peoplehaveuseddetoxificationandfastingforthousandsofyearsfortherapeuticbenefits. Although rehab facilities commonly use detoxification for drug and alcohol treatment, the concept has changed and evolved over the years, and people have adjusted detox therapies to meet their needs.

Benefits of Detoxification

  • Anti-Aging

Detoxification removes free radicals and heavy metals. This action helps improve nutrient absorption, enabling your body to heal itself and fight oxidative stress, which causes premature aging.

  • Improve Balance

The body comprises many systems that must work together for optimal health. Whenever these systems do not function properly, illness can occur. Toxins and unhealthy eating habits can cause the body to become improperly balanced. Detoxification helps heal the digestivehormonal, and nervous systems.

  • Increased Energy

Detoxification helps restore emotional, mental, and physical energy. Many people who regularly detox find they sleep better and wake up energized.

A healthy immune system helps prevent illnesses such as common cold or flu. A healthy gastrointestinal tract contains both good and bad bacteria. Detoxification can help increase immunity by purging harmful bacteria and increasing the amount of good bacteria.

  • Prevent Chronic Illnesses

Environmental toxins cause a host of diseases, such as heart disease, neurological issues, and cancers. Although our bodies can naturally detoxify themselves, they are constantly exposed to and overloaded with environmental impurities. A detoxification program can help the body recover.

  • Beautiful Skin

Your skin is your largest living organ. When the body becomes unhealthy, it often shows on the skin first. You may experience rashes, hives, acne, and other skin conditions. Removing impurities from the body will improve the look of your skin and strengthen your hair and nails.

  • Weight Loss

Did you know that completing a detox program could help you lose weight? Toxins are often stored in fat cells and can lower metabolism. By ridding the body of toxins, you can improve the body’s ability to burn fat, which will help you lose weight.

Improve Digestion with Alkaline Water

Rejuvenate Your Body And Feel Better

Detoxification can help alleviate unpleasant symptoms, such as fatigue, digestive problems (bloating, constipation, etc.), headaches, nausea, joint pain, and others.

It is essential to reduce the exposure to toxins by:

  • Eating organic foods free of pesticides
  • Drinking filtered water
  • Using an air purifier

Detoxification helps to purge the body of the dangerous toxins slowly, and you start feeling better and more energetic.

detoxification therapy

Achieve Your Optimum Performance

Detoxification is an ongoing process. Just as you change the oil in your car to maintain its performance, you need to detox periodically to prevent the build-up of toxins in your body. A good detoxification program can be the regular maintenance your body needs to perform at its optimum level.

If you feel tired, sluggish, and run down and can’t remember the last time you felt great, maybe it’s time to detox and have your “filter cleaned.”

But even if feeling sub-par has become your norm, you could still benefit from detoxification therapy if you:

  • Take prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • Have mercury fillings
  • Eat foods that contain pesticides
  • Use lawn care, cleaning, or beauty products that are not organic
  • Exhibit symptoms of toxicity, such as digestive problems or difficulty concentrating
Detoxification Program

Improve Metabolism And Maintain A Healthy Weight

With age, our metabolism starts slowing down. Some toxins get stored in body fat. The body begins to increase fat production to protect the rest of the body from the effects of these circulating toxins. You may try uncomfortable crash diets to reduce weight. But over time, you tend to regain the weight lost – and may even gain some more. These diets may also affect your social life and can harm the body’s metabolism.

Detox is now commonly used for weight loss. An effective detoxification program can help reduce the toxin burden contributing to the inability to maintain a healthy weight. Besides helping you burn fat faster, some detox techniques may also improve your blood flow, liver and kidney function, support the optimal functioning of your digestive system, and so on.

Acidic or Alkaline

Types of Detox Therapies

Detox therapies aim to cleanse the liver and kidneys and eliminate all metabolic wastes simultaneously. They target nearly every area of the body where toxins accumulate, including the Lymphatic, Liver, Gastrointestinal, Gallbladder, Respiratory, and kidneys.

Detoxification Diets
Detox diets are by far the most commonly used: natural, cost-effective, and efficient; these diets involve tailored dietary plans known to have a highly potent detoxifying effect. Those who want to follow a detox diet must often remove foods that contain preservatives, colorings, or flavor enhancers from their diets, along with processed foods and foods that may contain traces of pesticides. One of the many benefits of detox diets is that their high fiber content speeds up your metabolic rate and enables you to burn fat faster.

Detoxification With Protein Powders
Protein powders are sometimes used during the detoxification diet, as they can boost its efficacy. However, using powders containing fructose-free protein and no sweeteners, artificial colors, GMOs, or preservatives is beneficial. Rice, peas (protein concentrate/pea protein isolate), or hemp are good protein sources for detoxification powders. The latter is particularly efficient for those who suffer from digestive problems.

Infrared sauna health questionnaire

How Can We Help?

Detoxification restores the body to optimal health by ridding it of toxins stored in the brain, organs, and cells. By detoxing regularly, you can help improve your health and increase longevity. Whether you suffer from compromised immune systems, fatigue, chronic illnesses, or want to protect your health, a detoxification program can help.

Detoxification is a process—not a one-time event. As part of our Detoxification program, you will be under the care and supervision of an integrative practitioner who can help you identify dangerous toxins in your body and develop a plan for eliminating them. Detox therapies vary from person to person, but they may include dietary changes, consuming ‘good’ digestive bacteria or probiotics, drinking plenty of water, using herbal remedies, and taking daily vitamins and supplements.

Toxicity Questionnaire

Try a 5 Minute Toxicity Questionnaire

It helps evaluate symptoms that may be the underlying cause of illnesses.

Click Here for the Toxicity Questionnaire

functional medicine treatment

Tired of Fatigue, Infections, Digestive Disorders or Skin Issues?

Our holistic practitioners can help eliminate dangerous toxins and make you feel better.

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