Our Body Is Made Up Of Water!
About 60% of the adult body is water; getting the recommended daily amounts allows the body to maintain its fluid balance. Drinking water is essential. Moreover, alkaline water has additional benefits. Drinking about half of your body weight in ounces of pure water will do wonders for your health. When our body is dehydrated, we cannot function properly. It is like our central highway system went from four lanes to two. Our transportation comes to a screeching halt.

The facts:
- Blood is 82% water
- Muscles are 75% water
- Lungs are 90% water
- Bones are 25% water
- The brain is 75% water
The amount of water you need also depends on-
- Where you live
- Diet
- Temperature or season
- Daily activity
- Overall health
Benefits of Water
Water is necessary for optimal health. When you do not drink enough water, the organs in your body fail to function correctly. You must supply your digestive tract with plenty of water to digest your foods and get the nutrients your body needs. The best water to drink for your digestive system is alkaline water. So, what is alkaline water? Alkaline water is created when water courses over rocks and absorbs minerals. These minerals alkalize the water and decrease the pH level in the digestive tract.
The digestive system, which includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and colon, is pH sensitive. The type of water you drink can impact this system. Tap water, which has a pH level of 6 to 7.5, is acidic and can reduce the body’s ability to digest food. Conversely, alkaline water is much less acidic and has a pH of 8 to 10.
Drinking the recommended amount of water daily is the easiest way to support our health. Proper fluid intake helps with digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transportation of nutrients, and maintaining body temperature. Below are some of the top reasons to ensure you get your daily recommended water intake.
- Calorie Control—When your bodily fluids are low, your brain triggers a thirst sensation, often misunderstood as hunger. Drinking water can control your calorie consumption by fulfilling that “hunger” sensation. When you feel the urge to snack between meals, try sipping on water first. Water also replaces high-calorie drinks like soda, juice, and sugar-rich coffee pick-me-ups, which helps with weight loss.
- Muscle Fuel—Hydration maintains our electrolytes and minerals with an electric charge. These are important for muscle contraction. When our electrolytes are low, our muscles become fatigued, and we feel tired.
- Clearer Skin—Dehydration makes your skin appear to have more wrinkles and look dry. Your skin is your first barrier to both coming in and going out. As our body detoxifies, sometimes toxins exit through the skin, appearing as blemishes and acne. By maintaining proper hydration, the skin can expel toxins quickly.
- Digestion—Poor hydration leads to constipation. The colon pulls water from the stools to maintain fluid balance. When this happens, we become constipated, and the stools become dry and hard.
- Kidney Function—Lack of water causes the kidneys to work harder to filter out blood.
- Focus and attention—Dehydration causes a decrease in blood flow, which leads to brain shrinkage, making it difficult to think or focus. Because of its impact on circulation and brain health, staying hydrated has decreased the severity and number of headaches and migraines.
- Pain Prevention—Our joints and muscles need to move freely. It is often due to decreased fluidity when we become stiff or sore.
Benefits of Alkaline Water for Digestion
Water passes from the mouth through the digestive system without triggering digestion because it contains no calories. It is the perfect way to deliver antioxidants and hydrogen to reduce the body’s acidity. Because water travels quickly through the body and enters the bloodstream, it can increase the pH level in the digestive tract. The digestive system functions best when alkaline, and drinking alkaline water throughout the day can help improve its pH level.
Alkaline Water Improves Digestion
To understand the benefits of alkaline water and alkalinity of the digestive system, you must understand a little about enzymes. Enzymes help the body digest food into usable molecules, which nourish and energize the body. When your body is too acidic, the body struggles to produce enough enzymes to digest your foods, leading to many digestive woes.
Alkaline Water Reduces Acid Reflux
The stomach remains pH neutral until you eat. Then, HCL increases, and digestive enzymes are released into the digestive tract to help digest food. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acids rise into the esophagus. Studies have shown that drinking alkaline water can provide acid-buffering capabilities and therapeutic benefits for acid reflux disease patients.
Improves Intestinal Health
American adults often have acidic intestinal tracts, which decrease the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. Alkaline water promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. As the beneficial bacteria proliferate, inflammation in the intestines begins to decrease, and digestive symptoms like flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea begin to ease.
Cleanse the Colon
The colon is filled with bacteria that help break down foods, send nutrients to the bloodstream, and remove waste from the body. Alkaline water raises the colon’s pH level, hydrates it, and removes free radicals and toxins from the digestive tract. Finally, it contains magnesium, calcium, and other minerals that act as mild laxatives to help digestion.
Boosts Metabolism
When the digestive system functions properly, it can better digest food and increase metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories and excess fat. When digestion is sluggish, the body does not effectively use energy. Proper hydration helps increase one’s resting metabolic rate. Metabolism helps increase the available energy needed for bodily functions, including digestion.
Improve Hydration Levels
Alkaline water has smaller molecules than tap water, making it easier for the body to absorb water and improve hydration throughout the body. Furthermore, alkaline water contains the electrolytes your body needs for recovery and proper hydration without the sugar content and sodium content found in sports drinks.
Sources of Alkaline Water
There are numerous alkaline water products on the market. These brands can choose to collect water from a spring that produces alkaline water or use a process known as ionizing water. In addition to this, there are several things you can do to ensure you receive the full benefits of alkaline water. First, opt for a multi-stage water filtration system for your tap water. Choose a system that removes contaminants from the water band and features small mineral pouches to increase the beneficial minerals in your water.
There are also pH drops on the market that contain large amounts of minerals. These drops are available at grocery stores, pharmacies, and big-box retailers. Another great option is to add baking soda or fresh lemons to your water to help increase its alkalinity. Finally, a water ionizer can help transform ordinary tap water into alkaline water; however, this device is quite expensive for individuals.
Track your Daily Water Consumption
Sometimes, remembering to drink is the hardest part. It may help to get your own bottle. Glass is the best choice because some of the chemicals in a plastic bottle can leach out, especially if left in direct sunlight. Once you have your bottle, calculate how many times you must fill it to get half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 180 lbs., you must drink about 90 ounces of water daily. There are also apps to track water consumption. Do whatever it takes to get your daily recommended water intake.
Your water bottle should become your safety blanket; take it everywhere. You will start noticing clearer skin, an energy boost, and fewer headaches or migraines.
Need Help With Your Digestive Issues?
Alkaline water can help relieve digestive issues, improve digestion, and reduce body acidity. If you are experiencing digestive problems, speak with one of our functional medicine practitioners. We will help you determine what is causing your woes and offer practical, easy-to-implement strategies to improve your digestive health.