Yeast infections can be miserable, especially if they become chronic. Surprisingly, dietary changes can deter yeast infections from becoming a regular occurrence. Understanding what foods can help alleviate symptoms or initiate an infection is essential.
Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
Yeast is a single-celled fungus that allows bread products to rise. Mammals have small amounts throughout their bodies, usually aiding the immune function within the gastrointestinal tract. Problems arise when there is an overproduction of yeast. The symptoms of a yeast infection vary from individual to individual and also based on the location of the infection. It is the same type of fungal overgrowth that leads to symptoms presented in the vagina, skin, and mouth.
Oral Thrush Symptoms – Oral thrush occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth. A white coating develops on the inside of your cheeks, the roof of the mouth, tonsils, and tongue. The inside of the mouth and throat can be sensitive, and it may hurt to eat or drink.
Yeast Infection of the Skin—A yeast infection typically occurs in the skin folds. It usually begins with a red rash that can ooze clear fluid. Pimples, burning, or itching may also develop. If left untreated, the cracked skin becomes extremely sensitive and sore.
Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms – Common symptoms include burning, itching, and irritation of the vulva or vagina. Burning during urination or intercourse is also typical. The vulva may be red or omit a discharge similar to cottage cheese.
Lifestyle Modifications for Yeast Infections
Chronic yeast infections occur when Candida Albicans grow uncontrollably in the gut or other mucus membranes. Changing your diet and lifestyle modifications can help decrease your risk of a yeast infection.
One can do several things to help prevent yeast infections or relieve the symptoms of a Candida outbreak. First, one must practice good hygiene. This means daily teeth brushing, wearing cotton underwear, and showering daily.
Anti-Candida Diet
The anti-candida diet eliminates foods that can increase the risk of a yeast infection and systemic inflammation.
Foods to avoid are-
- Alcohol – Alcohol is transformed into sugar when it is digested. This sugar can feed candida and can cause inflammation throughout the body.
- Artificial Ingredients – Artificial ingredients, including artificial sweeteners, artificial colorings, and artificial preservatives, cause systemic inflammation.
- Dairy Products—Traditional dairy products like milk and ice cream contain lactose, which increases mouth acidity. Individuals can be sensitive to lactose, which increases systemic inflammation. Finally, dairy products can stimulate candida growth.
- Gluten is a protein in several grains, including wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten sensitivity can cause a chain reaction in the body, leading to systemic inflammation, increased gut microbiome dysbiosis, and intestinal permeability (leaky gut). This furthers the overgrowth of yeast and other detrimental bacteria.
- Sugars and Refined Carbs—When the body begins digesting refined carbs and complex sugars, it increases acidity, allowing detrimental bacteria to grow. As more sugars and carbohydrates are consumed, inflammation can occur.
- Starchy vegetables
- Sugary fruits
- Yeast
The foods listed above are everyday staples of the Standard American Diet. They are found in fast-food restaurants, grab-and-go meals, and processed foods. By transforming your diet by removing these items and replacing them with wholesome and nutritious foods, you can help heal your gut and reduce the risk of developing a yeast infection. The amount of inflammation in the body will be reduced, and your body and health will improve.
Replace these with the following wholesome foods-
- Non-starchy vegetables
- Healthy fats
- Lean proteins.
Candida Cleanse
The Candida diet is a temporary, carb-restricted cleanse rather than a permanent diet. It helps reset your microbiome. Eating less than 60 grams of carbs daily for six weeks can significantly improve your gut health. Avoiding the above substances helps reduce systemic inflammation, weaken yeast overgrowth, and regulate glucose levels. The candida diet aims to starve out candida by removing those foods.
As with any diet or cleanse, consult your doctor or holistic nutritionist before beginning. Many people notice a few symptoms initially; however, these clear up within a week or two. The National Institutes of Health reports the following symptoms typically occur when carbohydrates are drastically cut:
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Difficulty sleeping
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Flu-like symptoms
- Headache
- Irritability
- Muscle cramps
- Nausea
- Poor concentration
- Stomach pain
- Sugar cravings
- Vomiting
- Weakness
These symptoms will disappear soon and should be seen as a plus. They are caused by the body flushing out toxins and the die-off of candida. By eliminating the foods that were causing inflammation and feeding the yeast, the die-off and rebalance of the microbiome start to occur.
Treatment for Chronic Yeast Infections
Yeast infections that occur more than four times each year are considered chronic. Eating a healthy diet and taking probiotics can help decrease the risk of developing another yeast infection. If the anti-candida diet listed above does not help reduce the number of yeast infections, consult with your functional medicine practitioner. Our team specializes in identifying the root cause of your yeast infection and creating a treatment plan to eliminate and reduce the risk of developing future yeast infections.