Stomach inflammation is one of the top causes of belly fat and the inability to lose those last few pounds around the midsection. Understanding the root cause of stomach inflammation is essential to reduce belly fat. Certain foods help to reduce intestinal inflammation. Most researchers believe that intestinal inflammation is the root cause of a variety of chronic health conditions, including inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and leaky gut, among other non-GI-related ailments. Managing your diet to elicit a healthy gut is the first step in healing intestinal inflammation.

Intestinal Inflammation and Malnutrition
Most nutrients we consume through food are absorbed in the intestines. Inflammation in the intestines reduces the ability to digest foods and absorb nutrients properly. The decrease in nutrients leads to a slowed metabolism and further inflammation. The inflammatory processes are ignited throughout the body and spread like wildfire, causing a blockage of other biochemical pathways. For example, it may result in brittle nails and hair since the vital minerals and vitamins are not properly absorbed. It can also lead to more severe malnutrition throughout the body.
Weight fluctuations are widespread with intestinal inflammation. Many people experience a loss of appetite or a sense of never feeling satiated, leading to over-eating. This type of inflammation often causes flare-ups, and it is essential to learn which foods reduce intestinal inflammation.
Foods that Reduce Intestinal Inflammation
Often, specific foods cause a flare within the intestinal wall, unique to each individual. Figuring out these foods can be challenging, and working with an integrative nutritionist might be necessary to determine your food list. Food challenges and food sensitivity testing can uncover your specific food list. However, some general dietary tips will help reduce inflammation during an intestinal flare. The general recommendations are to choose foods that minimize gas, ease abdominal pain, and balance gut motility, including:
Healthy Fats and Oils
Omega 3 fatty acids, like those found in fatty fish, walnuts, and olive oil, help to neutralize inflammation and promote healing. Experts recommend eating fatty fish like mackerel and salmon twice weekly. Conversely, fats in the solid state are difficult to digest, and patients often experience increased intestinal inflammation after eating a fatty, fried meal. Saturated fats like those found in animal products (red meat and dairy products), trans fats found in fried food and baked goods, and omega-66 fatty acids found in sunflower, soybean, and corn oil have been shown to cause inflammation. You should avoid these foods.
Fiber helps protect against constipation often experienced during an inflammation flare-up. Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, and whole grains. Cooking vegetables helps aid in their digestion. Roasting vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, squashes, sweet potatoes, and carrots is an easy way to incorporate these nutrient-dense foods into the diet. Soft fruits like melons, avocados, and berries are easy to digest and provide the fiber your body needs. Be cautious about consuming too much fiber because specific microbiome imbalances can also worsen your abdominal cramping and gas. Working with your functional health practitioner to determine the amount of fiber your body needs to function correctly is advisable.
Hydration is essential to help with gut motility. If bowels are too loose, one can become easily dehydrated. On the other hand, not enough water in the diet can cause constipation. Drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily is recommended. Water is the most preferable source of hydration, but low-sugar electrolyte drinks, no-added-sugar fruit juices, and herbal, non-caffeinated teas are also good choices. Experts recommend drinking at least 15.5 cups of fluids if you are a man and 11.5 cups if you are a woman.
Probiotic-Rich Foods
Probiotics enhance your health by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The bacteria in your body are unique to you. The foods you eat, the medications you take, the experiences you have, and the environment you live in can all affect the makeup of your bacteria. The bacteria in your digestive tract affect your digestive health. When the bacteria balance, they optimize digestion and minimize inflammation. Conversely, when the harmful bacteria outnumber the good bacteria, your digestion will be compromised, and you will have increased inflammation.
A probiotic supplement helps restore the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. There are also probiotic rich foods like kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt. Including fermented foods in your diet can also help reduce inflammation and improve digestion.
When you are experiencing intestinal inflammation, the need for protein increases exponentially. The body uses protein to fuel your body and carry oxygen. Protein also helps keep your cells healthy, helps create new cells, and makes antibodies to fight illnesses and infections. Be sure to choose tender meats that are well-cooked, like poultry, fish, pork, and lean beef. Eggs, organic soy products, nuts, and seeds are healthy protein options.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that the protein needed varies by age and sex. Between 10 and 35 percent of calories should come from protein. Protein amounts also depend on exercise and muscle-building goals.
Ready To Seek Help For Intestinal Inflammation?
If you are experiencing digestive disturbances, nutritional deficiencies, or poor digestion and are wondering how to reduce inflammation, our digestive specialist can help guide you back to optimal health. Contact us today to learn how to decrease your inflammation and discomfort naturally. The foods you eat may not completely resolve your symptoms; however, they can help ease your pain and minimize intestinal inflammation. It may also be beneficial to examine your food sensitivities to determine what foods result in inflammation and an intestinal flare-up.