According to the National Institute of Health, 20 percent of the population suffers from chronic constipation. It indicates having fewer than three bowel movements per week. The symptoms of constipation include hard or lumpy stool, feeling as if you cannot empty your bowels, feeling as if there is a blockage in your bowels, excess straining during a bowel movement, or needing help to empty your rectum fully. Luckily, there are several protocols to prevent constipation and provide you with natural constipation relief. Explore here 15 Natural Remedies for Constipation

Natural Remedies for Constipation
Your diet, lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and medications play a significant role in constipation. Knowing what is causing your constipation and making healthy changes can help you avoid constipation naturally. Here are the natural remedies for constipation to find relief.
Abdominal Massage
Massaging your abdomen can help relieve constipation. Lie on your back and massage your abdomen clockwise for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat twice daily or until you get relief. Drinking a hot coffee or tea before your abdominal massage can help improve its effectiveness.
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice can help soothe your digestive tract and relieve your constipation. Drink a serving of aloe vera juice twice daily to help you go.
Avoid Dairy Products
Did you know that lactose intolerance can cause constipation? When you eat dairy products, it can slow down gut motility and lead to constipation. Lactose is a protein found in cow’s milk that can cause many symptoms, including abdominal discomfort, bloating, constipation, and excess gas.
Boost Fiber Consumption
If you are like most people, you have probably heard that it is essential to increase your fiber intake; however, this may not be the best thing if you suffer from constipation. Excess fiber can help improve the frequency of your bathroom visits, but it may not ease other constipation symptoms like bloating, gas, and stool consistency. The standard two types of fiber are insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber bulks up stools and helps them travel through the digestive system faster. Conversely, soluble fiber absorbs water and softens the consistency of your stool for improved consistency.
Change Your Bathroom Habits
Using a toilet stool helps naturally reposition your body to help with excretion. A toilet stool helps raise your knees above your hips to help relax your digestive muscles so that you can poop more easily. If you don’t have a toilet stool, place your feet on a small step stool to help elevate your knees.
Coffee Consumption
Coffee, especially caffeinated coffee, may help relieve constipation naturally. It stimulates the muscles in your digestive system and contains soluble fiber, which can help improve the digestive system’s gut bacteria. Additionally, the warmth of the coffee helps soothe the digestive system and soften your stool for easier passage. However, one should not overdo the consumption of caffeine.
Follow a Low FODMAP Diet
A Low FODMAP diet is an elimination diet used to treat irritable bowel syndrome and may help relieve chronic constipation. FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates and sugars that can result in digestive issues. A FODMAP diet provides you with direction on foods to avoid constipation.
Glucomannan Supplements
Glucomannan is a fiber from the Konjac plant that helps improve bowel movements. It acts as a prebiotic and feeds the healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Most people who use glucomannan supplements find that it helps with constipation. You should consult your functional medicine doctor before taking any supplements.
Increase Physical Activity
A sedentary lifestyle is associated with an increased risk of constipation. Daily physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or biking, improves gut motility. Although daily exercise may not increase the frequency of bowel movements, it helps relieve constipation symptoms and improves overall quality of life.
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium citrate helps prevent constipation by acting as an osmotic laxative. Osmotic laxatives draw water into the stool, causing softer, easier-to-pass, and more frequent bowel movements.
Maintain Adequate Hydration
Dehydration can result in constipation. To remain hydrated, drink plenty of water and eat water-rich foods. If you are already constipated, grab some sparkling water. Studies have shown that drinking sparkling water relieves constipation quickly. Avoid drinking sweetened carbonated beverages, as this can worsen your constipation.
Suppose you are looking for foods to avoid constipation; consider prebiotics. Prebiotics increase bowel frequency and help soften stool naturally. The best prebiotic foods include bananas, chickpeas, chicory, garlic, leeks, onions, and Jerusalem artichokes.
Probiotics are living bacteria that help to improve gut health and immunity. They break down food, reduce inflammation, and relieve chronic constipation naturally. In addition to taking a probiotic supplement, eat fermented foods like kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut to increase the number of healthy bacteria in the GI tract.
Grandma was right about using prunes to help her go. Prunes are natural laxatives that help gently relieve constipation. Prunes contain both fiber and sorbitol, a natural laxative. For best results, try enjoying about seven prunes a couple of times daily to help relieve chronic constipation.
Take Senna
Senna is a safe and effective herbal laxative. It contains glycosides, a plant compound that stimulates the nerves in the digestive system and speeds up bowel movements. However, use it sparingly. Contact your doctor if your symptoms do not disappear within a few days.
How We Can Help With Constipation Prevention?
Constipation is quite uncomfortable. Several factors can cause it, so finding any underlying root causes is essential. Once this is determined, you can learn what to eat and avoid, along with other proven methods for relieving chronic constipation naturally.
If you are ready to learn how to avoid constipation naturally, contact our functional doctors specializing in digestive issues. We will look for the root cause of your chronic constipation and guide you on how to relieve and keep it away.